Furnace Repair Pros of Las Cruces, NM help prevent surge damage.

New Mexico has long been known as one of the places in America that experience an abundance of lightning strikes. Some of those strikes, like the one that occurred in Tyler earlier this summer, can cause irreparable damages and fatalities. Others, along with brown outs and power surges, may simply fry a home’s appliances. That’s why our furnace repair pros wanted to provide a few tips about keeping a home’s cooling system damage free:

At the first sound of thunder, consider heading to the home thermostat and turning off the central A/C and heating system. Doing so may help reduce the risk of the central A/C’s electrical components being damaged by a power surge and require some heating systems repair. However, it won’t prevent a surge, or a lightning strike for that matter, from occurring in the area.

What may help prevent a home’s heating system or central A/C from being hit is a UL Certified, lightning protection system. The systems come in different forms but all are designed to redirect lightning to areas away from a home or business’ HVAC components. Of course most of them will also help protect other electricity powered appliances as well.

Connecting a surge protector, voltage regulator or uninterruptible power supply device to your home’s central heating power source may help matters too. There are ones specifically designed for HVAC units as well as models suitable for use with window air conditioners. Our central A/C and heater repair pros know about both types and would be happy to explain them to all local Las Cruces residents that are interested in learning more.

Keeping a home’s central A/C in optimal condition year round is also a good idea. That’s because poorly maintained air conditioning and heating systems are traditionally more apt to be negatively affected by power surges than well maintained ones. Examples of poorly maintained items that may fail during a surge are compressors, capacitors, fuses, thermostats and fans.

Lastly, Las Cruces residents may want to look into getting an insurance policy that covers the cost of repairing central ACs that have been damaged by lightning or power surges. Checking with one’s electricity provider to find out what the company’s policy is on power surges and lightning strikes may be prudent as well. In rare circumstances, they will cover central furnace repairs caused by their own negligence or faulty equipment.

To learn more about what Las Cruces residents may do to protect their homes’ central heating system from lightning and power surges and ulimatly avoiding unwanted furnace repair cost, please contact us today. At SoBellas Home Services, we offer a wide range of services and look out for Las Cruces residents’ best interests, every day.

Heating Repair Pros Warn Homeowners to be Mindful of Downflow Furnace Dangers

Our heating repair professionals know that not everyone in the Southwest lives in two-story, stick built houses. Some folks choose to reside in one-story, mobile homes instead. Those types of homes are generally outfitted with downflow furnaces instead of upflow ones. Although they operate in different ways and are equally as effective, there are some dangers that mobile or manufactured home owners should keep in mind as heating season goes into full swing. The chief danger is carbon monoxide exposure.

Like the name suggests, downflow furnaces push heat downward and into a person’s living space. As such, there is a chance that deadly carbon monoxide, which is a heating byproduct, could accidentally enter the home too. For the most part, contemporary downflow furnaces have failsafe methods in place that are designed to either prevent this deadly event from happening or warn manufactured home owners when things start to go awry.

Most of the carbon monoxide related failsafe and warning methods have to do with both ventilation and automatic shut-off sensors. Unfortunately, ventilation systems and sensors can also fail, thereby still leaving homeowners at risk. That said, our heating repair pros recommend that mobile and manufactured home owners consider doing the following:

  • Insist on having downflow furnaces professionally installed to ensure that the ventilation system is setup safely. Then take steps to keep the ventilation system clean and clear of clutter in between routine maintenance calls.
  • Remember to have downflow furnaces professionally cleaned and inspected on a bi-annual or annual basis. Doing so will help keep dangerous gas buildups and other mechanical problems to a minimum.
  • Set up and routinely service at least one first rate carbon monoxide detector in the home just in case the downflow furnace’s automatic shut-off sensor or ventilation system suddenly fails.
  • Every time mobile park management or other entities work on an area’s exterior gas lines, check the downflow furnace for fuel leaks before turning it back on. In many instances, this is done with the aid of a special, commercial soap mixture.

To learn more about carbon monoxide exposure and downflow furnaces, including how to safely keep loved ones warm, please contact our SoBellas Home Services’ heating repair team today. We can work with families and individuals in our service areas to create downflow furnace service agreements that work.

The guys in the yellow booties are here for all your air conditioner repair needs, along with expert swamp cooler conversions. Look to the pros if you have any questions about converting to refrigerated air conditioning with SoBellas Home Services of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Call us with questions like, how much does refrigerated air cost or anything about Las Cruces refrigerated air conversion.

Las Cruces furnace repair, do you need it?

As much as you may be dreaming of warmer weather in Las Cruces, winter is still far from being over. Thusly, you will want to make sure that your furnace is up to the task of heating your home throughout the rest of winter. Yet, how will you know if your furnace is on the verge of failing? The guys in the yellow booties have the best top rated home heating repair techs in the area. Here are a few of the signs you can look out for that can indicate that you may be in need of furnace repair.

Insufficient Heat

This is one of the easiest ways you can tell that your furnace is in need of repair. When a furnace encounters problems, it may not be able to heat your house as thoroughly as it once was able to. However, you may also notice that not only are you cold, but also, that your energy bills are going up. This can indicate a serious problem with your heater that is causing it to work hard, but is preventing it from warming your home. In this circumstance, you will want to have your heater inspected by a repair technician.

Inconsistent Heating

Another sign that can indicate a problem with your heater is if you notice that it is heating your home, but it is doing so inconsistently. You may begin to notice that while certain areas of your home are being sufficiently heated, other areas of your home are freezing cold. This problem can indicate a number of issues such as an airflow problem in your ducting. Regardless of what the problem is, it is one that can likely be fixed and may not require furnace replacement.

Problems Starting

To see if your furnace is in need of repairs, you should pay attention to what it sounds like when it starts up. One sign that can indicate potential problems with your heater is if you notice that it seems to have difficulty starting, and is taking longer to start than it used to. Several issues could be causing this problem including faulty wiring, a worn out pilot light, and/or a broken fan motor.

Knowing the signs that your furnace is in need of repairs can allow you to get it fixed before your furnace quits working altogether. Contact us in Las Cruces to learn about more of the signs that can indicate that your furnace may be in need of repair. Our technicians are trained and standing by for all your furnace repair needs including replacing that old furnace or converting to refrigerated air conditioning.

Save Money With Heater Maintenance

You know what they say, “There’s no business like slow business.” Well, maybe that’s not what they say, but they would if they were in the heating and cooling business in San Antonio!

During this mild fall, we’ve done too much sitting! So has your furnace… since last winter! Even though we’ll both be in “high gear” soon, we can turn this downtime into good fortune for both of us. Am I clear as mud so far? Well, let me explain…

You probably already know the importance of keeping your heating and cooling system tuned. Just like on your car, it saves you energy dollars and keeps things running smoothly. It can also help you avoid big repair bills. It’s just smart.

Unfortunately, many people go season after season, thinking, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This can be costing you a small fortune. And not just in energy and repairs…

A system failure may be headed your way! Research shows that lack of maintenance is the #1 cause of a system failure. Have you budgeted the $3,000-$7,000 needed for a new system? I promise, “saving money” by not getting a tune-up can be very costly!

Save your system, your money and repair hassles with a SoBellas Home Services Customer Care Club in Las Cruces. Our Customer Care Club gives you two 17-point seasonal tune-ups for smooth, efficient running, plus a full system safety check to keep you healthy and safe. All for just $179. Thousands of El Paso homeowners are already on this smart heater maintenance plan.

But don’t write that check yet! During this mild weather, you can get an even better value: The full Customer Care Club and all its money-saving benefits can be yours for just $173! That’s nearly 10% off the regular price. And it’s not just a good “tune-up deal” either…

You get the two tune-ups, plus Priority Service, 15% parts discounts, free service reminders and peace of mind just to start. All just $173.

You must act soon. I figure we can serve another 150 Customer Care Club customers this season. Schedule yours soon and you’ll get everything I’ve offered in this letter. After that, this offer ends.

Just fill out this form online, email us at support@sobellas.com or give us a call so you can start saving money with a SoBellas Home Services Air Conditioning Customer Care Club. I told you it was easy. And it’s basically free. But it’ll soon be over. Schedule yours now.

The guys in the yellow booties are here for all your air conditioner repair needs, along with expert swamp cooler conversions. Look to the pros if you have any questions about converting to refrigerated air conditioning with SoBellas Home Services of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Call us with questions like, how much does refrigerated air cost or anything about Las Cruces refrigerated air conversion.

The guys in the yellow booties are here for all your air conditioner repair needs, along with expert swamp cooler conversions. Look to the pros if you have any questions about converting to refrigerated air conditioning with SoBellas Home Services of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Call us with questions like, how much does refrigerated air cost or anything about Las Cruces refrigerated air conversion.

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