Your air conditioner or heat pump relies on refrigerant to keep your home comfortable. The HVAC industry has used several different refrigerants throughout the years. One that is currently being phased out is R410A. Here, we will go over what this means and whether or not you need to update your AC system if it uses R410A refrigerant.

Why Is R410A Being Phased Out?

R410A refrigerant took the place of R22 refrigerant back in 2015. Since then, it has been discovered that hydrofluorocarbons, which are present in R410A refrigerant, contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. This ozone layer is responsible for protecting our planet from the sun’s intense rays.

The government is concerned about the amount of leakage currently happening with the R410A refrigerant when cooling equipment is not operating correctly. R410A is a high-pressure refrigerant. When a leak happens, it can allow a large amount of the refrigerant to seep into the air in just a short amount of time.

What’s Replacing R410A

Two new refrigerants are replacing R410A: R32 and R454B. HVAC manufacturers are free to use either refrigerant type in their production of new air conditioning and heat pump systems. While these refrigerants are more environmentally friendly, they do have other drawbacks. Both are considered to be in the mildly flammable category, which means they’re more flammable than the old R410A refrigerant.

R32 is more flammable and as such, it cannot be used in systems designed for R410A. R454B is a newer refrigerant that is less flammable than R32, but still more flammable than R410A.

What Happens If Your System Uses R410A?

Unless you’ve purchased a new HVAC system in the past few years, your existing cooling system likely uses R410A refrigerant. It’s important to note that there’s no ban on continuing to use these systems to cool your home. Rather, you won’t be able to purchase a new HVAC system that uses R410A refrigerant once these changes take effect.

Can You Convert R410A Systems?

You cannot convert a system that uses R410A to be able to use R32. However, if you have a newer system that uses R410A, you may be able to modify the system to use R454B.

What Will Happen If Your R410A System Needs to Be Recharged?

It’s very common over the lifespan of a cooling system to lose some refrigerant. Unfortunately, this can cause your system to become less and less effective at removing heat from the air. Fortunately, recharging your system’s refrigerant is a very effective way to get it working again.

If your existing cooling system uses R410A refrigerant, it will still be available for recharging in the coming decade. However, realize that the production of R410A is going to diminish with each passing year. As the supply of R410A diminishes, its demand and respective price will increase. You may find yourself paying an arm and a leg to recharge your system’s refrigerant five or eight years from now.

Price Increase for New Units

Because the new AL2 refrigerants require a different setup than the previous R410A refrigerant, HVAC manufacturers had to go back to the drawing board to redesign their AC systems and heat pumps. With federal regulations requiring the implementation of more internal system safety devices, these designs have become more complex.

For example, all systems must have leak detection sensors to determine when a refrigerant leak happens. These sensors will kick on the internal fan to help disperse the refrigerant for safety. This new design process, alongside the federal mandates, has caused an increase in the price of new HVAC systems.

A Note on Upgrading Your AC System

If your existing AC system is over 10 years old, you may be considering an upgrade. It’s important to choose a system that uses the new AL2 refrigerants. This will ensure that your system can be easily recharged in the future without paying exorbitant fees. Plus, it will ensure your system is up-to-date with the latest technology.

Reliable AC Installation Service

SoBellas Home Services offers reliable air conditioner installation services to the entire El Paso, TX area. We can assist with all your heating, air conditioning, and appliance repair needs. We also offer products to improve your indoor air quality and ductwork services. Call our office today to schedule your next service consultation.

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