There’s no denying the fact the price of a new heating system can be relatively expensive for the average homeowner. It can be easy to keep fixing and using the one that you have to avoid paying for a new one. However, there are some key signs that will let you know it’s time to pull the plug and invest in a new heating system for your home.

Repair Costs Are High

One of the most common situations that homeowners encounter is receiving a quote for a large repair bill on an existing heating system. The best rule of thumb is not to invest more than one-third of the cost of a new heating system in repairing your old one. At this point, your money is best spent investing in a new system that will have a drastically lower risk of developing problems in the near future.

Your System Is Up There in Age

It’s never advisable to wait until your heating system completely fails to think about a replacement. Rather, it’s best to plan ahead by replacing your system at a time that’s convenient for you. Furnaces that burn natural gas, heating oil, and propane have typical lifespans of 15 to 20 years. Electric furnaces can last between 20 and 30 years. Heat pumps have a life expectancy of around 15 years. If your existing heating system is getting to the upper limit of its estimated lifespan, it’s time to start planning for a replacement.

High Heating Bills

One of the more unpleasant signs that your heating system needs to be updated is that your energy bills are on the rise. As your heating system starts to age, it will become less and less efficient. Eventually, it’s going to make the most sense to invest in a new heating system. Newer heating systems will have even better operating efficiency than systems produced just a couple of decades ago.

Unsafe Operation

If you rely on a fuel-burning furnace to heat your home, then it’s going to produce some toxic fumes during the heating process. When your system is in good condition, it will naturally vent these exhaust fumes to the outdoors. However, when your system starts to deteriorate, it won’t be able to adequately ventilate all the toxic fumes. This holds especially true when a particular component called the heat exchanger becomes cracked. When this happens, it’s generally unsafe to run your furnace. Typically, the cost of trying to replace a heat exchanger is significant, and you’re better off investing in a new system.

Visible Damage

Another sign that will let you know it’s time to replace your heating system is there’s visible damage to the equipment itself. For example, you may notice that your furnace has corrosion or visible cracking. It’s never a good idea to continue to run your furnace with this damage, as it will inevitably lead to safety and repair issues.

You Want Better Operating Efficiency

Another reason that you may want to replace your heating system is that you just want better operating efficiency. Although your heating bills may not be rising, you may simply want to make an investment in a new system that will work better and cost less to run each month. Most newer furnaces have a better operating efficiency than furnaces from 10 years ago. You can even choose a high-efficiency furnace that costs more up-front but will provide you with greater efficiency and lower utility bills.

Your Heat Pump Uses R-22 Refrigerant

If you rely on a heat pump to warm your home during the winter months, you may experience inefficient heating if your system has a low refrigerant level. Unfortunately, if your heat pump still uses R-22 refrigerant, it’s not as easy as just having your HVAC technician recharge your refrigerant level. R-22 refrigerant is no longer produced. Your only options are to convert your existing heat pump to use a new type of refrigerant, which is expensive to do, or install a new heat pump that uses a different type of refrigerant.

Reliable Heating System Installation Services

SoBellas Home Services offers reliable furnace repair and installation services for El Paso, TX and nearby areas. Our technicians can assist with all your heating, cooling, and appliance repair needs.

Reach out to us today to schedule your next service appointment.

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